Someone tailgating you can be frustrating. You may be constantly concerned that they may crash into you when you brake. Although the tailgater’s behavior endangers you, your actions may also do so if you are not careful.
You need to make informed decisions when dealing with a tailgater. Here is what to do when someone is tailgating you:
Stay calm
When a driver is driving too closely to you, it can be tempting to become angry. Accordingly, you might engage in some activities to make them stop. These include yelling, using gestures to communicate with them or slamming your brakes.
However, these actions are dangerous, as they take your attention away from driving. It’s critical to stay calm when dealing with a tailgater. Maintain your speed and focus on the road.
Let them pass
If you are on a multilane road, confirm if it’s safe to switch lanes to let the tailgater pass. If it is, signal your intention and move to the right.
When the tailgater overtakes you, avoid making eye contact or using gestures to let them know how you feel about their behavior, as this could worsen their aggressiveness. Instead, keep your eyes on the road. Further, avoid increasing your speed until the driver completely passes your vehicle.
If you are on a single-lane road, pull over into a well-lit gas station or open parking lot to give the tailgater way.
A tailgater can pressure you to drive beyond the speed limit because they believe you are driving too slow or they may be in a hurry. Despite their efforts, you should remain in control of your vehicle. If the tailgater makes a mistake, injuring you, legal guidance can help you seek the compensation you deserve.